Precision Fit Bike Fitting

Bike fitting is back! After Covid-related disruption we are delighted to announce that our popular Precision Fit bike fitting service is available once again. Bookings are being taken for February onwards.
Bike fitting helps all riders get the most out of their bike. We have the experience, skill and knowledge to establish your optimum position and set-up for your needs, be that greater speed, comfort or both. Unlike many other bike fitting services, our trained bike fitters Lee or Steve assess you and your bike to give a very personalised, tailored service. We use your own bike set up on a direct drive turbo trainer so that you can immediately see the benefits of our advice and of any changes that are made.
Road cyclists are likely to see the greatest benefit, but the session is suitable for everyone and any bike. Make a booking, bring your bike and cycling gear, and let us help you.
Having a bike fit is also ideal when purchasing a new bike. Not only will you gain full benefit from your new bike, but any small changes recommended - different handlebars, stem or saddle for instance - can be changed for no or reduced additional cost.
Standard Precision Fit, 2+ hours: £120
Performance Precision Fit, aimed at unlocking extra speed for triathlon and time trial athletes, 3+ hours: £180
Precision Fit - The Details
Precision Fit is an investment in the enjoyment of your bicycle, and a commitment to riding harder, longer or more comfortably than before. It's all about getting you closer to your cycling goals, whatever they might be. A proper fit helps you get there by idealising your riding position for efficiency and comfort. While Precision Fit was developed to ensure that Trek athletes were in a position to put down maximum power on the pedals with maximum efficiency, experience has shown us that it has much wider application as well.
Pain is not a normal part of cycling, and while there is no one-stop fix for chronic discomfort and the hampered performance that comes with it, high-tech analysis and the insights of experienced professionals can go a long way to improving anyone's experience on the bike. Reaching your training goals will be easier with high-tech analysis tailored to your body and riding style. This is where Precision Fit comes in.
Precision Fit is more than a programmatic system to adjust components and their position. It is a discussion, evaluation and analysis that leads to unique solutions to the unique challenges and needs of individual cyclists.
Precision Fit Philosophy
Don't leave your fit to a formula. Trek believes the best fit is achieved with a combination of analysis and personal care. We are trained to put an emphasis on your goals and preferences, ensuring that you leave with a fit that yields exactly the benefits you want and need.
Anatomical analysis:
This part of the equation is all about determining what unique properties of your physique and range of motion are impacting ride quality. Technicians focus on putting you in a position where you can create the most force on the pedals, and maintain that force for the longest possible time.
Individualised focus:
Individualised focus means engaging in dialogue about your goals, what's holding you back and how you would like to see your riding or ride quality improve. Precision Fit is all about getting the right set-up for you and only you, and that begins with the right questions.
Critical Thinking:
Precision Fit is evidence-based, but data is analysed on a case-by-case basis that is guided by the customer's focus. We have amazing technology to compile data on every element affecting comfort and performance, but at the end of the day this data is only as good as the technician who has the critical thinking skills to apply it to your situation.

Precision Fit couples a personal understanding of your relationship with cycling and your bicycle with advanced sport science technologies and quantitative analysis. Precision Fit considers both preference and performance, making it applicable to anyone who is hoping to get more enjoyment out of their bicycle.
During the interview, the Precision Fit technician will get an idea of who you are as a rider, and who you want to be. The interview considers physical fitness, the type of riding you primarily do or want to do, and any current or past injuries you might have. We'll ask about where you experience discomfort on the bike. Our technicians are first trained to listen, and this is where the process is tailored to you.
Off-bike Assessment
The off-bike assessment is a comprehensive series of measurements and tests that determine proper sizing in addition to providing a baseline measure of strength and flexibility. The technician will evaluate alignment and size of critical body parts, and take an assessment of your posture. You will perform basic strength exercises and flexibility tests to see what type of set up your body can actually handle. This accurate sense of where you are physically will guide the technician as you move onto the bike.
On-bike Assessment:
With a thorough understanding of your background, goals and physiology, it is now time to step onto the bike. The on-bike assessment works from the ground up, evaluating proper positioning of the saddle for optimal knee bend. The technician will set up your cleats, ensuring that you are centred over the pedal and getting maximum power output with each stroke. We will evaluate your posture and adjust handlebar length and position to give you a neutral spine, the most comfortable and efficient position to sit on the bike.
The end result - your optimal fit! Recommended changes will be applied at your request (new parts at additional cost unless a preparatory fitting service for a new bike) and a report with your bike fitting measurements is provided.
For more information or to book your Precision Fit please contact us.